
eduroam is an international wireless network service for users in rearch and education, making internet connectivity globally available. The idea of eduroam was first proposed in 2003, tested by institutes over five countries in Europe. Educational institutes and NRENs in other European countries joined this infrastructure one by one later on. This service was then named "eduroam", which means "Education Roaming". Now eduroam has become a mature service for international Wi-Fi roaming, NTU established its own Service Set Identifier (SSID) for eduroam. The guidance is as follows:

SSID Authentication Mechanism account notes
NTU Authentication Website The same account as NTU-ID(provided by C&INC)
ntu_peap 802.1X, PEAP The same account as NTU-ID(provided by C&INC)
eduroam 802.1X, PEAP For international and domestic interuniversity roaming

Applying for an NTU eduroam:
NTU eduroam

According to eduroam , the use of 802.1x for authentication. Besides, a web portal for authentication is not used by eduroam, for it is not secure. Be aware that any webpage asking your username or password might be a sign of a hijack. For security of your e-mail and single sign-on account, please use the account and password of NTU eduroam when you roam outside the NTU campus.

About eduroam:
eduroam (US), until November 2015, there are 383 schools or institutes joining the service.

Guide for wireless network connection:
Wireless Network Guide