



     1.  本辦法依據國立臺灣大學校園網路使用規範實施

     2.  每個IP每天可存取(包含上、下傳)總流量為 6GB,所有應用皆列入計算。
     3.  當日超過此總量限制之個別IP的傳輸率將立刻被限制為1M/256Kbps。

     4.  為維護大多數同學網路使用順暢,宿舍網路部分P2P流量被限制使用。

     5.  流量重新計算時間為每日 8 時。

     6.  流量統計範圍指的是宿舍區與校外網際網路的流出入總量,但是宿舍之間與

Student Dorm Network Management


Purpose:In order to make network bandwidth be used fairly, computer center would restrain the dorm network bandwidth.


 1.  Perfom according to  the standard of NTU campus network.

 2.  The quota of each IP is 6GByte including uploading and downloading  per day.
 3.  When data used over the quota per day, the bandwidth will be constrained to 1M/256Kbps.

 4.  In order to maintain mass students network quality, parts of P2P are restricted.

 5.  Each IP flow statistic is reset at 0:00 per day.

 6.  Flow statistic between Internet and dorms are included, but among the same campus are excluded.